Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Seasonal depression ...

It hasn't hit 50 degrees yet in the Flathead this year; the 10-day forecast does not forecast a 50-degree day. There's still about a foot in our yard. It feels like it's never going to melt. The seeds are ready to be sowed; our garden has been mentally plotted. Motivation to do anything awesome has been hard to muster. I'm sick of road riding; I'm sick of cross country skiing; I quit hiking the mountain three weeks ago. I really want to hike, but the snowshoes are retired for the season. I hate whining about the weather, but, well, it's broken my spirit today, 38 and raining for the fourth straight day, spring break ...

I haven't shaved in three months, though, so my beard looks sort of awesome ... to me.

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